We are the # 1 Dreadlock Hair Care Service in the San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland, California.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What Are Some Reasons Wny People Get Dreadlocks?

1. they are pretty
2. they are easy to style on the day-to-day basis
3. they wish to grow their hair long
4. spiritual reasons
5. it is a practice in their family or culture
6. locs look cool
7. they just want to see what they look like with them
8. they are unique
9. religious reasons
10. as a rite of passage
11. they want to keep their hair (and lifestyle) natural
12. they are comfortable
14. they strengthen one's connection to heritage

Spiritual Ways to Care for Your Locs

Spiritual Ways to Care for Your Locs

1. Make sure to allow your locs to breathe on the daily basis, if you wrap them alot. Let them get lots of sunshine and fresh air.

2. If you feel that your locs have dense lower energy in them or you have alot of lower energy in your crown chakra, then give your locs a sea salt water rinse. This will help you to release negative energy from that area.

3. Aim to keep your locs clean, beautiful, well-groomed, well-maintained, and full of love.

4. Be patient with growing your locs and spread that patience around in the other areas of your life.

For more info on self-healing, visit www.Tennebula.blogspot.com