We are the # 1 Dreadlock Hair Care Service in the San Francisco, Berkeley and Oakland, California.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lovin My Locs Hair Services : Restructured Dreadlocks

 (3) Reorganized Work for Locs that are unkempt and need structure (Wild Locs)
These kinds of locks are newly done or lightly matted.

Some clients may need professional help to get their locs reorganized.
These kinds of locs may have been done by yourself or someone else and they are poorly done.
The locs are unkempt, disorganized, has loose pieces of hair, and are various uncomfortable sizes. These kinds of locs may need to be pulled apart, restructured, and retouched at the root and ends.

For these hair situations, I charge the full starting price because it requires more time than a simple retouch.  The hair is taken apart anew and the locks are redone. It can be between 2hrs-10hrs depending on loc size and length.

Price: $150.00 (cash)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lovin My Locs Hair Services : Dreadlock Techniques We Use On Our Clients

We use a variety of dreadlocking techniques to start or maintain your locs depending on the client, hair type and hair length:

- twisting method,
- braids
- coiling method,
- backcombing method,
- palmrolling,
- latch (interlocked) method,
- sewing
- crochet method,


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lovin My Locs Hair Services : We Work With All Hair Types

We work with all hair types and clients from different racial backgrounds:

- Straight hair
- afro-textured hair
- gray hair
- thinning hair
- curly hair
- short hair
- long hair
- wavy hair
- oily hair
- dry hair

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Lovin My Locs Hair Services: Guidelines for Clients

Guidelines for Hair Services

The Client's Home for All Hair Services
Hair services takes place in the comforts of the clients home.
Clients need to have their washed and dried prior to visit (1-2 days before is normal).
If you have specials waxs, oils, or gels you prefer to have used, then please have them present during the appointment.

Hair Care for All Hair Types
We work with all hair types i.e. afro-textured, straight, wavy, curly, thin, thick, gray, oily, dry.

What we don't offer
We do not offer dreadlock extensions of any kind or hair coloring.

What tools do I bring with me to the client's house?
For loc work, I bring with me to all appts. tail combs, beeswax, beeswax, latch hook, crocheting needle, and metal hair clips.

For twists/braids/coils, I bring with me to all appts. a tail comb, hair gel, and metal hair clips.

What products and tools you may choose to have at your home for dreadlocking work?
(depends on hair types and length)
Clients may choose to have these needed materials at their home to take care of their newly styled locs: brush, oils, certain kind of hair wax or gel, towel, rubberbands, fine tooth tail comb, water spray bottle, hair clips

Preparing to have your hair locked
Remove any braids beforehand.
Remove any synthetic hair beforehand.
Clients must have there hair washed and dryed before our appointment (1-2 days before is normal).
Clients need to have the any preferred materials (i.e. wax, gels, oils, etc.) at their home prior to appointment.
Feel free to have a pictures of the desired size of your wanted locs.

Our hair locking services are available Mondays to Saturdays from 8:00 am - 8:00 pm.

Clients must live in San Francisco and reside near bus or train service if I am to get to their house by myself.

If you don't live near mass transit, I am fine with you picking me up and dropping me back off near bus service or train service .

For Clients Who live in Other Nearby Cities
I work in my city, so if you happen to be near the city I am in, you can make an appt. with me. Reminder: I don't drive at all. Hair Sessions take place in the client's place. If you would like an appt. but live outside of my city, you may need to:

1- do the session at a family member's or friend's house in SF
2- rent a room at a motel/hotel for the day or a few hours to get your hair done in SF

Phone Consultations
Phone sessions are one hour. You can email to schedule your appt. Payment are done using Paypal. You must make your payment before the sessions takes place.
Available from Mondays to Saturdays 8:00 - 8:00pm (pacific standard time).

Payments must be paid on the same day.
Payments can be paid in cash or post office money order.
No checks or partial payments, please.

We would appreciate a 24-hr cancellation notice.

There are no refunds on services.

Be sure to tell your friends with dreadlocks or natural hair about our great site and services.

Tips are always welcomed for a job well done.

Hair Stylist
All hair is done by Ten Nebula.

Contact Info
You can reach me for more info or to make an appointment by
Email: lovinmydreadlocks@hotmail.com

Thanks Kindly for your business.
Bright Blessings to All!!!!!!!

Lovin My Locs Hair Services: Prices & Rates

Payments in cash or Post office money order
Payments are due the same day of service.
No checks or partial payments, please.
No refunds on service.
Tips are always welcomed for a job well done.
Thanks kindly for your business!!!!

Starting new locks - $150.00/$170.00
Restructing wild locs - $150.00
Retouching locs new growth - $75.00
Microdreads - $200/$300/$500

Braids for natural hair - $45/$75/$100

Removing braids - $35/$45

Microbraids - $200/$300/$500
Microtwists - $200/$300/$500
Microdreads - $200/$300/$500

Two-Strand Twists - $75/$90

Coils - $75/$90

1-hr. Dreadlock Consultation by Phone

Be sure to visit the "Guideline for Clients" area for all detail
Email: lovinmydreadlocks@hotmail.com

Thanks for visiting and your business!!!!

Lovin My Locs Hair Services : At-Home / In-Home Care

We offer our hair services in the comfort of your home
You can be relaxed
You can take your time
and you can enjoy snacks, tv, or movies while getting your hair done
You receive personal care & advice about your dreadlocks and hair

A History on DreadLocks

Dreadlocks, also called "locs" or "locks" or "ras" "or "dreads", are matted coils of hair. Dreadlocks are usually intentionally formed; because of the variety of different hair textures, various methods are used to encourage the formation of locks such as backcombing sections of the hair, twisting or a process involving the weaving of the hair with a crochet hook to form knots.

Dreadlocks are associated most closely with the Rastafari movement, but people from many groups in history before them have worn dreadlocks, including the Hindu Shiva worshippers of India and the Sufis Rafaees , the Maasai of East Africa, and the Sufis malangs and fakirs of Pakistan. Dreadlocks can represent a spiritual journey that is not just related to the Rastafari movement.

The first known examples of dreadlocks date back to North Africa. In ancient dynastic Egypt examples of Egyptians wearing locked hairstyles and wigs have appeared on bas-reliefs, statuary and other artifacts.[3] Mummified remains of ancient Egyptians with locks, as well as locked wigs, have also been recovered from archaeological sites.[4]

The Hindu deity Shiva and his followers were described in the scriptures as wearing "jaTaa", meaning "twisted locks of hair", probably derived from the Dravidian word "caTai", which means to twist or to wrap. The Greeks, the Pacific Ocean peoples, the Naga people and several ascetic groups within various major religions have at times worn their hair in locks, including the monks of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Nazirites of Judaism, Qalandari Sufi's the Sadhus of Hinduism, and the Dervishes of Islam among others. The very earliest Christians also may have worn this hairstyle. Particularly noteworthy are descriptions of James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, who wore them to his ankles.

Pre-Columbian Aztec priests were described in Aztec codices (including the Durán Codex, the Codex Tudela and the Codex Mendoza) as wearing their hair untouched, allowing it to grow long and matted.

In Senegal, the Baye Fall, followers of the Mouride movement, a sect of Islam indigenous to the country which was founded in 1887 by Shaykh Aamadu Bàmba Mbàkke, are famous for growing locks and wearing multi-colored gowns.[7] Cheikh Ibra Fall, founder of the Baye Fall school of the Mouride Brotherhood, claims that he was "the first dread in West Africa".

A person with thick locks.In Jamaica the term dreadlocks was first recorded in the 1950s as a term for the "Young Black Faith", an early sect of the Rastafari which began among the marginalized poor of Jamaica in the 1930s, when they ceased to copy the particular hair style of Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and began to wear dreadlocks instead.[citation needed] It was said that the wearer lived a "dread" life or a life in which he feared God, which gave birth to the modern name 'dreadlocks' for this ancient style.[citation needed]

Many Rastafari attribute their dreadlocks as a dedication to Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia as well as the three Nazarite vows, in the Book of Numbers, the fourth of the books of the Pentateuch.

Dreadlocks in history has been worn by a variety of people:
(5)Priests and Priestesses
(6)Witches and Wizards

(Info from Wikipedia.com)

Different Names for DreadLocks

There are a variety of names used to refer to dreadlocks:

strong hair,

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Qualities Associated With Dreadlocks

Some positive qualities that are associated with locked hair are:

1. freedom
2. self-identification
3. uniqueness
4. rebellion
5. strength
6. power
7. a focus on oneness with spirit
8. creativity
9. nature/natural

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What Are Some Reasons Wny People Get Dreadlocks?

1. they are pretty
2. they are easy to style on the day-to-day basis
3. they wish to grow their hair long
4. spiritual reasons
5. it is a practice in their family or culture
6. locs look cool
7. they just want to see what they look like with them
8. they are unique
9. religious reasons
10. as a rite of passage
11. they want to keep their hair (and lifestyle) natural
12. they are comfortable
14. they strengthen one's connection to heritage

Spiritual Ways to Care for Your Locs

Spiritual Ways to Care for Your Locs

1. Make sure to allow your locs to breathe on the daily basis, if you wrap them alot. Let them get lots of sunshine and fresh air.

2. If you feel that your locs have dense lower energy in them or you have alot of lower energy in your crown chakra, then give your locs a sea salt water rinse. This will help you to release negative energy from that area.

3. Aim to keep your locs clean, beautiful, well-groomed, well-maintained, and full of love.

4. Be patient with growing your locs and spread that patience around in the other areas of your life.

For more info on self-healing, visit www.Tennebula.blogspot.com

Thursday, March 10, 2011

When Do You Need Your Dreadlocks Retouched, Retighened, or Maintained?

You May Need to Retouch Your Dreadlocks with Lovin My Locs, if:

- your dreadlocks are looking crazy
- Your dreadlocks are looking wild
- your dreadlocks are not looking too cute
- your dreadlocks are unkempt
- your dreadlocks are way too frizzy
- Your dreadlocks has lots of new growth
- your dreadlocks are beginning to scare you
- you are going to a special event
- you want to look great for an important interview
- you like your dreadlocks to look good all the time
- you just want to amplify your beauty

Quotes on Dreadlocks and Hair

Quotes on Dreadlocks and Hair

"I couldn't imagine those black ropes on their heads were hair...natural hair to which nothing was added, not even brushing....I wondered what such hair felt like, smelled like. What a person dreamed about at night, with hair like that spreadng across the pillow..."
Quote from "Dreads" book intro by Alice walker

"Trust The Universe and Respect Your Hair"
by Bob Marley

"A Man Who Cuts His Hair is Like A Tree Without Leaves"
Rastafarian Proverb

"And he put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of my head;
and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and heaven."
Ezekiel 8:3

"Light Runs Tings"
Quote by Ten Nebula

"Illusions May Scream Loudly but They Are Still Illusions."
Quote by Ten Nebula

Ways to Reduce Frizzes In Your Dreadlocks

Ways to Reduce Frizzes


- Use a pomade or cream when palm rolling hair

- wear a silk or stain scarf to sleep in at nights

- Palm roll hair often

- Avoid drying your hair wildly with a towel, pat dry

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wrapping Your Dreadlocks

Wrapping your dreadlocks can be fun, creative, a way of life, and numerous others things
Our site talks about the loveliness of wraps
and hows and whys of this great art

visit, share it with a friend, and follow us!!!!!!!

All About Wrapping Your Dreadlocks"